Church Covenant

Having been brought by God's grace through faith into a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ and being led by the Holy Spirit, we covenant with one another by God's grace and strength.

  • To serve God wholeheartedly in the Church where we have been called. 
  • To pray for the ministry of the Word and for those who would preach and teach us.
  • To pray for those of my brothers and sisters in Christ who stand in particular need, without prejudice or partiality.
  • To pray for one another and the salvation of those who do not know Jesus.
  • To support, help, admonish, restore, love and care for one another; always striving to build one another up, never seeking to be destructive to the faith or reputation of another brother or sister in Christ.
  • To conscientiously support the church in every way, with our time, gifts, talents, energy and money.
  • To grow in our personal relationship with Jesus Christ, through prayer, worship, the Word, service and sacrifice; and to this end we will make fellowship, prayer, study, witness and the worship of God a priority in the use of our time.
  • To accept, if we are living disobediently to the command of Christ, the correction and rebuke of the church, which leads to repentance and restoration. Should we be called upon to correct or rebuke a fellow believer then we will do so humbly, lest we fall.

All this we seek to do for the glory and honour of God, in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.